Parish Implementation Teams … Parish implementation teams met last week (Wednesday, March 8, 2017) for the first time. Their homework was to begin learning about the specific details of the strategic plan so as to become more confident while speaking with others. Their primary task this week is to begin organizing themselves.
Parish Liaisons … Parish assignments for all parish liaisons were announced at last week’s meeting with parish implementation teams. This week the liaisons will contact each of their parishes, introducing themselves, gathering contact information, and beginning conversation around initial assessment of each parish’s comfort level regarding strategic planning.
Disciple Maker Index … This week is the last week for the Disciple Maker Index (DMI). The DMI will close March 20, 2017. All parishioners are encouraged to share their input online. The results from the DMI will be essential in informing the implementation of the strategic plan.
New Vicars General … The Pastoral Center will continue to transition in two new Vicars General. On Thursday, March 16 at 1:00 pm Bishop Fabre and Fr. Simon Peter will host a diocesan staff meeting to walk through the nuances of the most recent appointments.
Implementation timeline … Our strategic planning team will continue to work through various details regarding the implementation, such as: process of comprehensive parish-based assessment, process of forming new volunteers, long-term roll out of new adult and youth formation ministries, etc.
Diocesan Pastoral Council … Bishop Fabre is nearly finished with his recruitment of a new Diocesan Pastoral Council. Bishop Fabre will finish phone calls Monday, March 13. The new Diocesan Pastoral Council Executive Committee is already in place. We all announce the full slate of council membership as soon as they have confirmed their commitment.
Advisory groups … Fr. Mark and Fr. Simon Peter will begin working with Pastoral Center leaders to either create or refurbish advisory groups with the diocesan organization chart. The purpose of the advisory groups is hold the diocese accountable to the implementation of the plan, as well as to provide expertise and consultation within their specific area of concentration.
40th Anniversary … The weekend of June 3-4, 2017 will be here before we know it. Planning continues regarding the ordinations, vespers prayer service, and 40th anniversary Mass and promulgation.
Executive Board … The new Executive Board met last past weekend (March 10-11, 2017). Their homework, now organized into smaller committees, is to address more concrete details regarding organization, governance, and membership.