Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, is a day on which many Christians commemorate the annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary with the beautiful announcement that she would be the mother of the Son of God. In consideration, Pope Francis has stated,
“I invite all the Heads of Churches and the leaders of all the Christian Communities, together with all the Christians of the various Confessions, to invoke the Most High, Almighty God, reciting contemporaneously the prayer that Jesus Our Lord taught us. I invite all, therefore, to do so several times a day, but, all together, to recite the Our Father on Wednesday, March 25, at midday – all together.”
Bishop Shelton Fabre concurs in respectfully extending this special invitation to the faithful as a powerful symbol of our uniting together in Christ during these difficult times. The prayer can ideally be said at noon, Rome time, or at noon local time.