Schools Goal, No. 11
The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the Diocesan Finance Office, will establish a collaborative process with school administrators and Board members at each school to develop three to five-year financial plans with clear assumptions with regard to revenue streams, expenses, and school accessibility and affordability.
Objective No. 1
The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the Diocesan Finance Office, will conduct semiannual workshops for school administrators, staff, and Board members emphasizing best accounting practices and procedures along with appropriate best practices for financial planning, budgeting, financial reporting, financial analysis, and financial management.
Objective No. 2
The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the Diocesan Finance Office, will establish and promulgate a calendar for the budgetary process and for annual school budget reviews and financial analysis.
Objective No. 3
The Office of Catholic Schools in collaboration with its Diocesan School Board as well as Pastors, principals, and local school boards will study and periodically review current tuition payment systems in order to ensure both affordability and accessibility while maintaining adequate revenues for school operations.
Schools Goal, No. 12
The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with both the Office of Human Resources and the Diocesan Finance Office, and representative school staff will develop human resource/personnel policies containing clarity of responsibilities, expectations, and accountability for all Catholic school related positions.
Objective No. 1
Job descriptions and performance appraisal instruments will be developed in a common format.
Objective No. 2
Characteristics of the President/Principal model of administration will be defined.
Schools Goal, No. 13
The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with school administrators and Board members to develop comprehensive plans for facilities, equipment, and administrative and instructional technology designed to ensure the highest quality Catholic education available in each area.
Objective No. 1
The Office of Catholic Schools, in collaboration with the Diocesan Office of Finance and Buildings, will conduct an assessment of current facilities of all schools with regard to structural integrity as well as building safety, security, and infrastructure.
Objective No. 2
The Office of Catholic Schools will develop a Diocesan template for technology plans which will include a needs assessment, implementation process, and a timeline for regular monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the plans.
Schools Goal, No. 14
The Office of Catholic Schools will collaborate with school administrators and Board members to develop and implement comprehensive Diocesan and school-based plans for institutional advancement designed to ensure the future vitality of all schools through effective communication, marketing, enrollment management, and development programs.
Objective No. 1
The Office of Catholic Schools will work with the Foundation and the Development Office to provide templates and best practices for marketing, annual giving, alumni development, and planned giving programs.
Schools Goal, No. 15
School administrators and Board members in collaboration with the Office of Catholic Schools will develop at each Catholic school a comprehensive marketing and communication plan designed to effectively market the school for image, enrollment, and resources.
Objective No. 1
School administrators and Board members will ensure that social media is used extensively and effectively to market Catholic schools, amongst all ethnic and racial communities.
Catholic school administrators and Board members will ensure that comprehensive annual reports are produced and promulgated.
Objective No. 2
Catholic school administrators and Board members will ensure that websites are in place and regularly updated in order to effectively market Catholic schools, amongst all ethnic and racial communities.
Objective No. 3
Catholic school administrators and Board members will implement comprehensive development plans at the local school level in light of Diocesan guidelines.